
There is nothing more romantic than red roses and at Keller & Stein Florist in Canton, MI, we have all types of romantic bouquets to choose from. Roses aren’t just for Valentine’s Day, select roses in white, pink or yellow to make someone smile! Keller & Stein Florist offers flower delivery nationwide or locally to Canton, MI.

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 Wild and Free Spirit

Wild and Free Spirit

Yellow Roses (12)

Yellow Roses (12)

Pink Roses (6)

Pink Roses (6)

One Dozen Hot Pink Roses

One Dozen Hot Pink Roses

One Dozen Vibrant Roses

One Dozen Vibrant Roses

Enchanting Dozen

Enchanting Dozen

Yellow Roses with Daisies

Yellow Roses with Daisies

One Dozen Light Pink Roses

One Dozen Light Pink Roses

The Classic Six

The Classic Six

White Roses (12)

White Roses (12)

Roses and Romance

Roses and Romance

Rosy Coral Breeze

Rosy Coral Breeze

Love in London

Love in London

Classic Dozen Red Roses

Classic Dozen Red Roses

Serene Vase

Serene Vase

Pink Roses (3)

Pink Roses (3)

Rainbow's End Roses

Rainbow's End Roses

Red rose duo

Red rose duo
