Positano Perfection

Positano Perfection


The warm glow of sunset is captured in this stunning arrangement. Positano Perfection features roses, hydrangeas, snapdragons, and assorted foliage in a leaf-lined vase. Whether celebrating a birthday, a new baby, or retirement, this bouquet will add just the right touch of warmth to your celebration. What a great way to bring a touch of happiness into the home or office.


Positano Perfection


The warm glow of sunset is captured in this stunning arrangement. Positano Perfection features roses, hydrangeas, snapdragons, and assorted foliage in a leaf-lined vase. Whether celebrating a birthday, a new baby, or retirement, this bouquet will add just the right touch of warmth to your celebration. What a great way to bring a touch of happiness into the home or office.
