Morning Harvest

Morning Harvest


The orange, yellow, and burgundy colors of this arrangement capture the golden glow of a morning harvest. A charming wooden box holds roses, sunflowers, kangaroo paw, button spray mums, hypericum berry, solidago, leucodendron, grevelia, and variegated pittosporum. Whether celebrating a birthday, anniversary, or any special occasion, Morning Harvest will add just the right touch of warmth.


Morning Harvest


The orange, yellow, and burgundy colors of this arrangement capture the golden glow of a morning harvest. A charming wooden box holds roses, sunflowers, kangaroo paw, button spray mums, hypericum berry, solidago, leucodendron, grevelia, and variegated pittosporum. Whether celebrating a birthday, anniversary, or any special occasion, Morning Harvest will add just the right touch of warmth.
