The Malibu Wrapped Bouquet

The Malibu Wrapped Bouquet


Our Malibu Bouquet features a variety of peach roses, peach carnations, hypericum berries, mini green hydrangea, and premium foliage in a hand-wrapped bouquet. This vibrant, hand-tied bouquet is the perfect gift for a friend, family member, or for yourself! Shop your local florist for the freshest and longest-lasting flowers and flower bouquets.


The Malibu Wrapped Bouquet


Our Malibu Bouquet features a variety of peach roses, peach carnations, hypericum berries, mini green hydrangea, and premium foliage in a hand-wrapped bouquet. This vibrant, hand-tied bouquet is the perfect gift for a friend, family member, or for yourself! Shop your local florist for the freshest and longest-lasting flowers and flower bouquets.
